NOTICE: All committee information including meetings, agendas, and minutes have moved to BoardDocs. Questions about the transition can be sent to
The College Council shall serve as the central consultation committee and as a clearinghouse for all shared governance recommendations to the Superintendent/President. The College Council will ensure that there is an inclusive and transparent dialog on core campus issues and that all campus constituent groups have an opportunity to provide input and present ideas for improving the practices, programs, and services in which they are involved that support the mission of the college. (AP3005)
  • Discuss issues brought from constituent groups
  • Formulate recommendations to the Superintendent/President on campus-wide issues
  • Guide the work of the Standing committees
  • Advise the Superintendent/President on the development and review of Board Policies and Administrative Procedures that are neither collective bargaining nor academic and professional matters.
  • Advise the Superintendent/President on issues where no existing committee or group exists
  • Set up ad-hoc committees or groups, when needed, to deal with issues not addressed by the Standing committees.

College Council is Chaired by the Superintendent/President.

College Council Guidelines



Dr. Gena Lopez

Faculty member:  appointed by Academic Senate

Dr. Armia Walker

Faculty member:  appointed by Academic Senate

Lindsey Ruiz

Faculty member:  appointed by Academic Senate

Shelagh Rose

Faculty member:  appointed by Academic Senate

Mark Whitworth

Faculty Member: appointed by the Faculty Union

Alden Do

Student: appointed by Associated Students

Student: appointed by Associated Students

Student: appointed by Associated Students

James D. Bull

Classified Senate President

Ernesto Partida

Classified Senate Representative

Atziri Morales Chavez

Classified Senate Representative

Rodolfo Garnica

CFT Representative

Gregory Zemanek

CSEA Representative

POA Representative

Audrey Joseph

Confidentials Representative

Raquel Torres-Retana

Instructional Dean: appointed by Managements Association

Matt Camara

Administrator: appointed by Management Association

Tito Altamirano

Administrator: appointed by Management Association

Standing Committees

The College Council's Standing Committees are established to advise the College Council on various issues and matters of the college. Each Standing Committee is co-chaired by a member of the Faculty, appointed by the Academic Senate, and a member of the Administration, appointed by the Superintendent/President.

Accreditation Standing Committee (ASC) will serve as a Standing committee to the College Council and be responsible for all aspects of the accreditation process. The primary purpose of the ASC is to guide and supervise the college’s accreditation activities, including the following, among others:

Accreditation reports:

  • Self-Evaluation Report
  • Mid-Term Report
  • Follow-Up Reports
  • Substantive Changes Reports
  • Annual Reports
  • Any other special reports requested by the Commission

Additionally, the ASC will be responsible for the education of the campus on the Accreditation Standards and the accreditation process; regular assessment of the College’s compliance with the Accreditation Standards and Eligibility Requirements; and recommendations to the College Council regarding accreditation-related issues.




Crystal Kollross

Co-Chair:  Accreditation Liaison Officer (ALO), appointed by the Superintendent-President

Lynora Rogacs

Co-Chair: Faculty Accreditation Coordinator (FAC)

Agnes Ventura

Faculty – appointed by the Academic Senate

Faculty – appointed by the Academic Senate

Faculty – appointed by the Academic Senate

Faculty – appointed by the Academic Senate

Dr. Gena Lopez

Academic Senate President or Designee

Kiley Tafur

Classified staff member appointed by the Classified Senate

Classified staff member appointed by the Classified Senate

Classified staff member appointed by the Classified Senate

Classified staff member appointed by the Classified Senate

James Bull

Classified Senate President

Wayne Schroeder

Associated Students President

Victor Perez

Student member – appointed by Associated Students

James Benjamin

Student member – appointed by Associated Students

Wonyoung Hwang

Student member – appointed by Associated Students

Student member – appointed by Associated Students

Dr. Thea Alvarado

Administrative Representative – Appointed by the Management Association

Dr. Solomon Cross

Administrative Representative – Appointed by the Management Association

Carrie Starbird

Administrative Representative – Appointed by the Management Association

Dr. Francisco Suarez

Administrative Representative – Appointed by the Management Association

Dr. Laura Ramirez

Executive Administrator appointed by the Superintendent/President

Dr. Brenda Ivelisse

Executive Administrator appointed by the Superintendent/President

Current member of the Board of Trustees during the Self-Evaluation process to serve in an ex-officio capacity

The Budget and Resource Allocation Standing Committee shall advise on matters relating to institutional-wide budget and resource allocation issues as requested by the College Council and guided by the Educational Master Plan.




Jeff Bajah

Co-Chair: Academic Senate President or Designee

Jessie Wang

Co-Chair: Assistant Superintendent/Vice President, Business and Admin Service or Designee

Faculty - Appointed by PCC Faculty Association

Daniel Hamman

Faculty - Appointed by Academic Senate

Terry Stoddard 

Faculty - Appointed by Academic Senate

Ryan Perry

Classified Senate President or Designee

CSEA Classified Employee - Appointed by CSEA

Frances Godinez

PCC-CFT Classified Employee - Appointed by PCC-CFT

PCC-POA Classified Employee - Appointed by POA

Dr. Micah Young

Administrator - Appointed by Management Association

Beverly Heasley

Administrator - Appointed by Management Association

Bernice Rose

Administrator - Appointed by Management Association

Avery Bradley

Student - Appointed by Associated Students

Jeshua Figueroa

Student - Appointed by Associated Students

The Calendar Standing Committee shall recommend to the College Council annual college calendars that support the pedagogical and operational needs of students, faculty, and staff within the framework of the negotiated agreements between the collective bargaining units and the District.




Dr. Laura Ramirez

Co-Chair:  Assistant Superintendent/Vice President Instruction

Bryan Wilbur

Co-Chair:  Academic Senate President or Designee

Taleen Sanchez-Seropian

Faculty Representative: Appointed by Academic Senate

Erland Weydahl

Faculty Representative: Appointed by Academic Senate

Allison Parker

Faculty Representative: Appointed by Academic Senate

Faculty Representative: Appointed by Academic Senate

Faculty Representative: Appointed by PCC Faculty Association

Helen Au

Classified Senate President or Designee

Irving Geheber Morales

Classified Representative - Appointed by CFT

Classified Representative – Appointed by CSEA

Classified Representative – Appointed by POA

Cristina Zamora

Confidential Representative– Appointed by Confidential

Yuri Espinosa

Student Representative: Appointed by Associated Students

Michelle Sun

Student Representative: Appointed by Associated Students

Jeshua Figueroa

Student Representative: Appointed by Associated Students

Matthew Barboza

Administrator, Division Dean – Appointed by Assistant Superintendent/Vice President, Instruction in consultation with Management Association

Raquel Torres-Retana

Administrator - Appointed by Management Association

Jaclyn Cevallos

Administrator - Appointed by Management Association

Arlene Reed

Director of Admissions and Records

Myriam Altounji

Member of Executive Committee - Appointed by the Superintendent/President

The Distance Education Standing Committee of College Council shall advise College Council on matters related to Distance Education, in support of the Educational Master Plan and in compliance with ACCJC standards and with State and Federal regulations and laws regarding distance education. The DE Committee will be the primary body responsible for developing guidelines and standards to meet the distance education needs of the college.




Dr. Thea Alvarado

Co-chair: Dean, Distance Education

Kimberly Shediak

Co-chair: Faculty, Chair of Faculty Committee on Online Education subcommittee of Academic Senate

Maureen D'Agata

Classified Representative: Distance Education Technologist/Developer

Kristy Jones

Classified Representative: Distance Education Technologist/Developer

Classified Representative: appointed by the Classified Senate 

Faculty Representative: Instructional, appointed by Academic Senate

Faculty Representative: Student Services, appointed by Academic Senate

Faculty Representative: Distance Education, appointed by Academic Senate

Dr. Tooktook Thongtiraj

Administrator, Instruction: appointed by Management Association

Myriam Altounji

Administrator, Student Services: appointed by Management Association

Matthew Camara

Administrator, Information Technology Services

Student Representative: appointed by Associated Students

Student Representative: appointed by Associated Students

The District Technology Committee shall advise the College Council on matters relating to technology matters in support of the Educational Master Plan. DTC will serve as the committee responsible for the development, evaluation and revision of the Technology Master Plan. In this role, the committee seeks to determine the technology needs of the College and develop guidelines, standards and priorities to meet these needs.




Tendaji Jamal

Co-Chair: Chief Technology Officer

Jeffrey Winter

Co-Chair: Academic Senate President or Designee

Denise Odimo

Classified Senate President or Designee

Classified Representative: Appointed by CFT

Classified Representative: Appointed by Classified Senate

 Darcy Mack

Faculty Representative:  Appointed by Academic Senate


Faculty Representative:  Appointed by Academic Senate

 Ella Tang

Student Representative: Appointed by Associated Students

Elizabeth Donna Tjendra

Student Representative: Appointed by Associated Students

Brenda Trejo

Administrator, Instructional: Appointed by Management Association

Olivia Loo

Student Services Administrator: Appointed by Management Association

 Roberto Juardo

ITS Administrator: Information Technology Services

 Matt Camara

ITS Administrator: Information technology services

Tolga Koyak

Cybersecurity Advisor: ITS Security Administrator or Security Analyst

Natalie Montoya

Professional Development Department Instructional Designer 

 Kyle Wilson

DSPS Office Representative: Standing


Web Office Representative: Standing


Member of the Distance Education Department: Standing

The Facilities Standing Committee shall advise the College Council on matters relating to the development and implementation of the Facilities Master Plan and other facilities-related projects and programs in support of the Educational Master Plan and the college’s mission, supporting an equity-minded learning community.




Dr. Gena Lopez

Co-Chair:  Academic Senate President or Designee

Candace Jones

Co-Chair:  Assistant Superintendent/Vice President Business and Administrative Services or Designee

Richard Laret

Director, Facilities Services

Dr. Laura Ramirez

Assistant Superintendent/Vice President, Instruction

Dr. Brenda Ivelisse

Assistant Superintendent/Vice President, Student and Learning Services

Miriam Hartman

Faculty Representative: Appointed by Academic Senate

Terry Stoddard

Faculty Representative: Appointed by Academic Senate

Silvia Talaoc

Faculty Representative: Appointed by Academic Senate

Shelita Gutter

Classified Senate President or Designee

Classified Representative From Facilities Services: Appointed by Classified Senate

Frances Godinez

Classified Representative:  Appointed by Classified Senate

Tunisia Bailey

Administrator - Appointed by Management Association

Elaine Chapman

Administrator - Appointed by Management Association

Carl Shaeffer

Administrator - Appointed by Management Association

Avery Bradley

Student Representative: Appointed by Associated Students

Lev Tumaykin

Student Representative: Appointed by Associated Students

The Health and Safety Committee shall advise the College Council on matters relating to campus safety, campus parking plans and issues, and risk management in association with the risk management office.  The committee shall act as a clearinghouse for individual employee safety suggestions and work to provide a safe and healthful working environment for staff and a safe and healthful environment in which students may learn and study.




Dr. Gena Lopez

Co-Chair:  Academic Senate President or Designee

Mindy Throop

Co-Chair:  Administrator - Appointed by the Superintendent-President

Sebrenia Law

Faculty Representative:  Appointed by the Academic Senate

Joseph Kalilikani

Faculty Representative:  Appointed by the Academic Senate

Corey Rojo

Classified Representative: Appointed by the Classified Senate

Classified Representative: Appointed by the Classified Senate (POA designee is preferable)

Sandra Meda-Walker

Administrator: Appointed by the Management Association

Dr. Micah Young

Administrator: Appointed by the Management Association

Lev Tumaykin

Student Representative:  Appointed by Associated Students

Student Representative:  Appointed by Associated Students

Institutional Effectiveness Committee, (IEC) Per AP 3251

Charge of the Committee

     The charge of the IEC shall be as follows:

  1. Coordinate the college’s comprehensive program/unit review process and cycle.
  2. Ensure programs/units utilize student success indicators, course and program assessment data and other existing institutional data and any additional evidence/data deemed necessary by the IEC in the comprehensive review process.
  3. Evaluate program reviews, providing feedback to program reviewers with the authority to direct that a program or unit review be revisited or revised.
  4. Provide feedback on program outcomes and make recommendations to program review authors.
  5. Provide college-wide support to comprehensive program/unit review authors as needed to insure understanding and completions of program/unit reviews.
  6. Provide an annual summary with broad recommendations for institutional improvement based on the comprehensive program/unit review results to the College Council.



Dr. Veronica Jaramillo

Co-Chair Administrator: Appointed by the Superintendent-President

Dr. Jude Socrates

Co-Chair Faculty: Appointed by Academic Senate

Faculty Representative Non Credit: Appointed by Academic Senate

Rohan Desai

Faculty Representative Counseling: Appointed by Academic Senate

Milan Ayers

Faculty Representative Business: Appointed by Academic Senate

Faculty Representative CTE: Appointed by Academic Senate

Faculty Representative English & Languages: Appointed by Academic Senate

Faculty Representative Health Sciences: Appointed by Academic Senate

Faculty Representative KNA: Appointed by Academic Senate

Faculty Representative Math: Appointed by Academic Senate

Jessica Igoe

Faculty Representative Natural Sciences: Appointed by Academic Senate

Faculty Representative PCA: Appointed by Academic Senate

Faculty Representative Social Sciences: Appointed by Academic Senate

Faculty Representative VAMS: Appointed by Academic Senate

Faculty Representative Library: Appointed by Academic Senate

Crista Casillas

Administrator: Appointed by Management Association

Jeffrey Alexander

Administrator: Appointed by Management Association

Olivia Loo

Administrator: Appointed by Management Association

Tooktook Thongtiraj

Administrator: Appointed by Management Association

Carrie Afuso

Classified Representative: Appointed by Classified Senate

Alosha Barreras

Classified Representative: Appointed by Classified Senate

Classified Representative: Appointed by Classified Senate

Classified Representative: Appointed by Classified Senate

Michelle Sun

Student Representative: Appointed by Associated Students

Alden Do

Student Representative: Appointed by Associated Students

Stephanie Fleming

Dean of Instructional Support

Dr. Armando Duran

Dean of Counseling and Student Services

Elizabeth Nagy

Learning Assessment Coordinator

Dr. David J. Colley

Classified Analyst from the Office of Institutional Effectiveness.

Elaine Chapman

Executive Director of Economic and Workforce Development or designee

The Outcomes Standing Committee serves as a Standing committee to the College Council and is responsible for the college’s overall process for assessing outcomes. The primary purpose of the Outcomes Standing Committee is to provide holistic guidance and supervision the college’s assessment activities, including course, program, and institutional learning outcomes and student learning and administrative unit outcomes. The Outcomes Standing Committee will coordinate with other campus groups to address assessment and make recommendation to the College Council regarding assessment-related issues.




Agnes Ventura

Co-Chair: Faculty SLO Coordinator

Mark Lowentrout

Co-Chair: Dean, Instructional Support

Sharis Azar

Faculty Representative: Articulation Officer

Faculty Representative:  Accreditation Coordinator

Faculty Representative Non-Credit: Appointed by the Academic Senate

Faculty Representative Credit Instructional: Appointed by the Academic Senate  

Faculty Representative Distance Education Instructor: Appointed by the Academic Senate

Faculty Representative Non-Instructional (counselor or Librarian): Appointed by the Academic Senate

Elizabeth Nagy

Faculty Representative Second SLO Coordinator

Tameka Alexander

Administrator - Student Services - Appointed by Management Association

Administrator - Learning Services - Appointed by Management Association

Classified, Faculty, or Administrator - Career Education Representative – Appointed by Assistant Superintendent/Vice President Instruction

Thea Alvarado

Administrator, Instructional Dean: Appointed by Management Association

Alden Do

Student Representative:  Appointed by Associated Students

Dr. Gena Lopez

Academic Senate President

Instructional Dean appointed by the Assistant Superintendent/Vice President of Instruction

Que Dang

Chief Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Officer or Designee

Rob Gomez

Business Analyst, Office of Institutional Effectiveness

Student Learning Outcomes (SLO) Coordinator

The Professional Development Standing Committee will include:

  1. Work with the college’s constituency groups to identify professional learning needs
  2. Collaborate with constituency groups to develop a program that addresses identified professional learning needs
  3. Review the college’s professional development budget
  4. Evaluate Professional Development activities to ensure effectiveness and continued improvement
  5. Develop and review an annual Professional Development plan and calendar that aligns with the college’s strategic plan and priorities



Dr. Jason Robinson

Co-chair – Professional Development Director

Ken Simon

Co-chair – Academic Senate Faculty Development Committee Chair

Natalie Montoya

Co-chair- Classified Senate Professional Development Subcommittee Chair

Nicholas Hatch

Flex Coordinator

Faculty Representative: Appointed by Academic Senate

Faculty Representative: Appointed by Academic Senate

Faculty Representative: Appointed by Academic Senate

Carol Calandra

Administrator: Appointed by Management Association

Mindy Throop

Administrator: Appointed by Management Association

Maggie Regalado-Rivera

Administrator: Appointed by Management Association

Brian Cummins

Director of Human Resources

Krissy Rexha

Classified Representative: Appointed by Classified Senate

Classified Representative: Appointed by Classified Senate

Alisha Barreras

Classified Representative: Appointed by Classified Senate

Sub-Committee – Flex Advisory Committee
PER AP 4011 & AP 4012

The Flex Advisory Committee will plan, implement, and assess activities for on-campus Professional Development (FLEX) Days. The committee will coordinate activities, which reflect the needs of constituent groups and major campus or community college initiatives. The committee will be responsible for updating the processes and guidelines described in AP 4011 and 4012 as well as the PCC Flexible Calendar Program Guidelines.




Dr. Jason Robinson

Professional Development Director

Nicholas Hatch

Flexible Calendar Program Coordinator

Faculty Representative: Faculty Development Committee Chair

Faculty Representative: Faculty Development Committee Member

Faculty Representative: Academic Senate Executive Committee Member

Faculty Representative: Faculty Association Executive Board member

Faculty Representative: Appointed by Academic Senate

Faculty Representative: Appointed by Academic Senate

Classified Representative from Instruction

Krissy Rexha

Classified Representative from Student Services

Classified Representative from Business Services

Que Dang

Administrator – Executive Director of Student Equity

Jacqueline Javier

Administrator – Appointed by Management Association

The Strategic Planning Standing Committee provides oversite of the college’s integrated planning process that includes development, implementation, and evaluation of the College’s annual, master and strategic plans.  This includes providing recommendations to College Council regarding services, resources, and programs necessary to achieve optimal enrollment and services that support students in attaining their educational goals. The Strategic Planning Committee will work with other College Council Standing committees, the Academic Senate, the Classified Senate, and the Management Association to support collegial communication and collaboration on strategic planning.




Crystal Kollross

Tri-Chair: Senior Executive appointed by the Superintendent/President

Dr. Gena Lopez

Tri-Chair: President, Academic Senate or designee

James Bull

Tri-Chair: President, Classified Senate or designee

Dr. Laura Ramirez

Assistant Superintendent/Vice President Instruction or Designee

Dr. Brenda Ivelisse

Assistant Superintendent/Vice President Student Services or Designee

Dr. Jude Socrates

Faculty Co-Chair IEC

Jeff Bajah

Faculty Co-Chair BRAC

Agnes Ventura

Faculty SLO Coordinator

Faculty Representative: Appointed by Academic Senate

Faculty Representative: Appointed by Academic Senate

Ivette Rojas

Faculty Counselor: Appointed by Academic Senate

Faculty from Noncredit:  Appointed by Academic Senate

Sugey Iribe

Classified Senate Representative: appointed by Classified Senate


Classified Senate Representative from Facilities: appointed by Classified Senate

Classified Senate Representative: appointed by Classified Senate

David Colley

Office of Institutional Effectiveness - Analyst – Classified Representative

Carrie Starbird

Administrator, Instructional Dean – Appointed by Management Association in consultation Assistant Superintendent/Vice President Instruction

Oronne Nwaneri

Administrator, Instructional Dean - Appointed by Management Association in consultation with Assistant Superintendent/Vice President Instruction

Armine Derdiarian

Instructional Dean – Appointed by Management Association in consultation with Superintendent/Vice President Instruction

Carl Shaeffer

Administrator from Facilities: Appointed by Management Association

Dr. Francisco Suarez

Administrator, Off Site Center Manager: Appointed by Management Association

David Hull

Administrator - Director Financial Aid

Que Dang

Executive Director of Student Equity

Belle Nhan

Associated Students Representative - appointed by Associated Student

Avery Bradley

Associated Students Representative - appointed by Associated Students

The Student Success Standing Committee is charged with examining programs and services across the student lifecycle from recruitment to completion and identifying opportunities to address historical inequities as part of Pasadena City College’s responsibility to acknowledge, understand, and dismantle systemic racism and other systems of oppression. This Standing committee will use a data-informed, equity-minded, and anti-racist approach to close equity gaps; increase retention and persistence; inspire student success; provide customized student support; and improve degree, certificate and transfer completion. The Standing committee will be responsible for integrating and achieving the student success goals set forth by the California Community College Chancellor’s Office (CCCCO) and reporting on the college’s activities designed to meet those goals. The Standing committee will prepare any plans and/or reports that cover the work of the Student Equity and Achievement (SEA) Program required by the CCCCO and present them to the College Council and the campus community for review and adoption of recommendations.




Que Dang

Tri-Chair: Executive Director of Student Equity

Shelagh Rose

Tri-Chair: Academic Senate President or Designee

Susanna Faljyan

Tri-Chair: Classified Senate Representative

Faculty Representative: Math Faculty member appointed by Academic Senate

Faculty Representative: English Faculty member appointed by Academic Senate

Faculty Representative: ESL Faculty member appointed by Academic Senate

Faculty Representative: Cultural Diversity Initiative Rep

Faculty Representative: Noncredit Faculty member appointed by Academic Senate

Faculty Representative: Faculty member appointed by Academic Senate from Credit

Faculty Representative: Faculty member from Counseling with expertise in Guided Pathways appointed by the Academic Senate

James Bull

Classified Senate President or Classified Senate designee

Darnell Calderon

Classified Representative: Research Analyst from Office of Institutional Effectiveness

Desiree Hernandez

Classified Representative: Appointed by Classified Senate from Student Services Area

Kiley Tafur

Classified Representative: Appointed by Classified Senate from Instructional Area

Classified Representative: Appointed by Classified Senate from Business and Administrative Services Area

Dr. Tooktook Thongthiraj

Dean of English and Languages

Carrie Starbird

Dean of Math 

Dr. Armando Duran

Dean of Counseling (SSSP Lead)

Dr. Jason Robinson

Director of Professional Development

Dr. Armine Derdarian

Administrator appointed by the Superintendent/President

Instructional Dean

Instructional Dean

President of Associated Students

Elizabeth Donna Tjendra

Student Representative that is a member of the ASPCC Executive Board

Ella Tang

Student Representative: appointed by Associated Students

Yuri Espinosa

Student Representative: appointed by Associated Students

Sub Committee – Open Educational Resources




Rebecca Johansson

Faculty Representative: Business

Faculty Representative: Counseling

Faculty Representative: DE

Faculty Representative: English

Faculty Representative: Health Sciences

Faculty Representative: KHA

Faculty Representative:  Languages

Danielle Rapue

Faculty Representative: Library

Faculty Representative: Math

Faculty Representative: Natural Sciences

Faculty Representative: Noncredit

Faculty Representative: PCA

Faculty Representative: Social Sciences

Faculty Representative: Social Sciences 

Faculty Representative: VAMS

Faculty Alternates as needed

Matthew Barboza


Mark Lowentrout


Representative from DSP&S

Representative from Bookstore

Student Representative 

Alternates as needed

The Sustainability Standing Committee shall advise the College Council on matters related to campus-wide sustainability and environmental issues and work with the college’s faculty, staff, administration, and students to develop institutional policies and practices that promote an equitable reduction of resource usage and create a culture of sustainability practices on campus. The Sustainability Committee shall additionally advise the College Council on creating educational events and addressing other issues on the campus that relate to sustainability, in support of the Educational Master Plan.




Emily Fernandez

Co-Chair:  Faculty appointed by Academic Senate with an interest in Sustainability issues

Richard Laret

Co-Chair:  Executive Director of Facilities Services

Brennen Wallace

Faculty Representative: Appointed by Academic Senate

Faculty Representative: Appointed by Academic Senate

Nathan Mechtel

Classified Representative: Appointed by Classified Senate

Homa Nelson

Classified Representative: Appointed by Classified Senate

Lev Tumaykin

Student Representative: Appointed by Associated Students

Student Representative: Appointed by Associated Students

Member of Executive Committee - Appointed by the Superintendent/President

Zak Graff

Administrator - Appointed by Management Association

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